Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell
Which question will be the one to transform your life, your leadership, and your most precious relationships for the better? After feeling shamefully frustrated at the age of 43 that I could not answer the simple question, ‘What makes you happy,’ I went on a quest to find the answer. I couldn’t locate it in the many books I read, people I talked to, or adventures I pursued. Rather, the answer was revealed over time as I asked myself a simple question again and again and had the willingness and patience to discover the answer. Since that moment, I have embraced Courageous Curiosity as a way of life and this podcast is where I - along with my valued guests - share how we engage with courageous curiosity. It has absolutely transformed our lives, our leadership, and our relationships, and we are excited to see how it will transform yours for the better as well.
Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell
How to embrace simplicity in a chaotic world
Adina Tovell
Episode 176
My mind, like yours, can easily become seduced by the idea that there is time and room for everything. Like an already overstuffed suitcase, we believe we can always fit one more thing in.
And honestly, we can keep trying, but to what end? What does our life end up looking like when we continually try to fit in just ‘one more thing?’ And what can we do about it if we have this exhausting habit of trying? This is what I am talking about in this week’s episode of Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell.