Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell
Which question will be the one to transform your life, your leadership, and your most precious relationships for the better? After feeling shamefully frustrated at the age of 43 that I could not answer the simple question, ‘What makes you happy,’ I went on a quest to find the answer. I couldn’t locate it in the many books I read, people I talked to, or adventures I pursued. Rather, the answer was revealed over time as I asked myself a simple question again and again and had the willingness and patience to discover the answer. Since that moment, I have embraced Courageous Curiosity as a way of life and this podcast is where I - along with my valued guests - share how we engage with courageous curiosity. It has absolutely transformed our lives, our leadership, and our relationships, and we are excited to see how it will transform yours for the better as well.
130 episodes
How to Raise Resilient Kids in 2022
Today, on Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell, I dive deep into what parents of resilient kids DON’T do and what they DO do. Over the past 2+ years we have gotten the message that we cannot spare our kids all hardship and discomfort. ...
Episode 178

A Surprising Place to Locate Your Life Purpose
When was the last time you wondered about your life purpose? What is it? How do I find it? What is important enough? And when life gets turned on its head, as it has been for the past few years, many of us become more intr...
Episode 177

How to embrace simplicity in a chaotic world
My mind, like yours, can easily become seduced by the idea that there is time and room for everything. Like an already overstuffed suitcase, we believe we can always fit one more thing in. And honestly, we can keep trying,...
Episode 176

When Things Don’t Make Sense
What do we do when things simply don’t make sense. This might describe a lot about the world we live in right now. In Today’s episode of Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell, I look at the nature of COHERENCE… How it creates the world we liv...
Episode 175

Knowing YOU matters. Here's why....
On today’s episode, we begin our season exploring the nature of the SELF. Who are you? What does it mean to be you in the world? What defines you and what does not define you? How do you care for you? With so much happening in our lives ever...
Episode 174

A Courageous Look at 2021
How do you reflect on a year? If you typically take stock of what went well and how you can improve, with more attention to the latter (!!), let’s try something new. Tune in to learn more about our Courageously Curious approach to reflecting on...
Episode 173

Tribute to Will Wise, beloved Curiosity Crusader
This is a special tribute to the guest of our most widely received podcast of 2021, Will Wise, co-founder of We and Me and co-author of Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter. Will transitioned from this world in November, les...
Episode 172

Something New is Brewing...
Something new is brewing at Courage to be Curious! A new endeavor. A new opportunity. A new way of serving. A new way of cultivating curiosity. A new way of experiencing you. Tune in to learn more. Where to find Amy Steindler:...
Episode 171

Transform Anxiety with Reflective Practice
What does it mean to be mentally healthy and spiritually fulfilled? In this week’s conversation, we talk with Shelbie Fishman about her journey from high achieving perfectionist who continuously wrestled with stress and anxiety to a first-year ...
Episode 170

Rebalance Your Relationship for the Holidays
What happens when a relationship is out of balance? The experience is intense: anger, frustration, blaming, and exhaustion. None of us like to live this way, but how do we get a relationship back in balance? On today’s episode, we talk with Eco...
Episode 169

Getting Appreciation in the Workplace RIGHT!
You may be familiar with the 5 Love Languages, but what is the application of this to the workplace? Dr. Paul White and Dr. Gary Chapman teamed up to create the 5 Languages of Appreciation at Work and in this episode we speak with Dr. Paul abou...
Episode 168

Effective Leaders are Appreciative Leaders
What happens when a content expert becomes a leader? What happens when a professional who is known and respected for what they KNOW moves into a role where they manage people? On today’s episodes, we speak with Dr. Wanda Wallace, business coach...
Episode 167

Have you appreciated YOU today?
When we think about appreciation and gratitude, we often think about others. In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of appreciating yourself…. Something that can feel awkward or even inappropriate to some people. My goal… to inspire an...
Episode 166

Making Appreciation a Daily Practice
What if every person knew … deeply knew… in their heart of hearts that they mattered? What might our world be like and feel like? Our guest today, Cheryl Rice, founder of the You Matter Marathon and Cheryl Rice Leadership, is doing everything i...
Episode 165

What Would a Photograph of your Soul Look Like?
With Halloween only a few days away, our question is not “What mask will you wear?” but “What mask will you take off?” In today's conversation with Matt Mead - wedding, portrait, and branding photographer - we talk about the impact of trying to...
Episode 164

Do We Only Love the Ballerina When She’s Dancing on Stage?
Growing up a reluctant prima ballerina, our guest, Paulette Rigo, put on her costume and her dutiful daughter mask for decades. Every time she tried to take them off, both her mother (founder of the dance studio) and those who had come to know ...
Episode 163

What Does a Leader Wear?
In the classic movie, Annie, the Boylan Sisters sing, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” But what about a leader? What does the leader need to be ‘fully dressed’ for the role? In today’s conversation with Patricia Omoqui and Amy Stei...
Episode 162

Do You Know Who’s Hiding Behind Your Mask?
How do you know if you are wearing a mask that is hiding the most authentic and powerful version of yourself? And if you are, how can you remove it? In this theatrical and poignant conversation with Susan Sandler, we literally reveal how you ca...
Episode 161

How to Overcome our National Curiosity Deficit!
Clap your hands if you agree… We have a Curiosity Deficit and it is impacting how we connect and relate to each other! In this episode we speak with Chad Littlefield, co-author of Ask Powerful Questions: Create...
Episode 160

Why Curiosity is the Key to a Loving Relationship
I wonder about why people who love each other fight so much. Caring is easy, but relating on a regular basis to people we care about can be very complicated and messy. Divorce rates are high, couples counseling offices can often be a revolving ...
Episode 159

Turn Ordinary Conversations Into Ones that Matter
In our hearts, what most of us want is to be seen, heard, known, and understood. But do we engage with each other in ways that allow this to happen? Regardless of how many ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ we have, many of us feel quite alone. Don’t mis...
Episode 158

Miracles Begin With the Right Question
How "miracle producing" are the questions you ask? Questions are one of the most overlooked tools of communication. They have the ability to shift perspective, change an outcome, release stress and anxiety. Join Amy Steindler and me as we unpac...
Episode 157

The Magic of Self Love
What actually happens when you love yourself and how do you get there?Download the Journey to Selflove Guide here -- https://files.constantcontact.com/429e4631601/a29d6ee5-1e09-40de-b027-7a7b1719f50f.pdfSelf-love is all the rage...
Episode 156

How to Argue in Productive and Healthy Ways
How to turn your arguments into opportunities for deep connection.Arguing and fighting are a part of life. And despite how uncomfortable it makes most of us feel, it is an incredibly important and healthy part of life IF we know how to ...
Episode 155